Malta Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (LISP)

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Global Wo.Men Hub

Overcoming Communication Challenges between Women and Men: A Roadmap Through Conversational Intelligence

February 29 @ 12:00 - 13:30

One of GWMH’s objectives is to improve communication effectiveness between women and men in both professional and personal spheres. Through this workshop, our goal is to equip participants with tools and insights to overcome traditional communication barriers between women and men.

The concept of Conversational Intelligence® (C-IQ) was developed by Judith E. Glaser, an American author, academic, business executive, and organizational anthropologist. C-IQ provides insights into the intricate workings of our brain, offering practical tools, examples, and conversational rituals to enhance our daily communication. In our everyday personal and professional lives, it focuses on leveraging language and conversations to cultivate trust, strengthen bonds, foster growth, and forge partnerships that can transform societies.

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