Malta Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (LISP)


Focus on Climate Change and the Need for Skills

Background: This advertisement highlights the EU’s efforts to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 55 % by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. The advertisement supports preliminary studies aimed at revealing what kind of knowledge and skills are needed, who will be further developed and which specialists need to be recruited in order to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The goal: These preparatory studies will identify how employees can acquire the skills needed to respond to labour market requirements and how the companies involved can accelerate their adaptation and strengthen their competitive position. The European Social Fund Plus (ESF +) aims to promote gender equality, accessibility and equity in all its funding activities.

Future view of the region: The Stockholm Region Action Plan under the ESF + between 2021 and 2027 aims to highlight opportunities for a more inclusive and sustainable working life. This plan originates from the Stockholm Region’s RUFS 2050, which represents the region’s ambitions for the future. Its core vision is to become one of Europe’s most desirable metropolitan regions by 2050. The importance of reducing our climate impact is emphasised in RUFS 2050 and is one of the key elements of the region’s commitment to the 2030 Agenda.

Necessary Competence for Climate Change: Climate change is urgently needed and all organisations and actors will be affected. This reinforces the expectations of organisations to adapt quickly and clearly demonstrate their efforts to reduce the climate impact on customers, employees and the general public. This adaptation process requires both an understanding of its necessity and adequate knowledge for its implementation. This highlights the need to clarify the necessary skills.


By 2045, Sweden aims to reach net zero carbon emissions and aims to be climate positive. By 2030, the ambition is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55 % compared to 1990 levels. This necessary adaptation to climate change serves the competitive interests of both the environment and Sweden and the EU. It is essential to clarify what upskilling and recruitment requirements are needed to tackle climate change and reduce greenhouse gases. These needs exist across the spectrum – from industrial organisations to businesses and from public entities to civil society organisations. The advertisement is intended for the organisations involved in the process of clarifying these skills needs and recruitment requirements.


Funded Total: SEK 15 000 000 Start
date of publication: 2023-07-04
deadline for submission of applications: 2023-09-25 (please note that the deadline for submission is 16.00)
After this time, the Swedish ESF Council can only ask for additional information necessary for decision making.


  • Region: Stockholm
  • Geographical Fokus: The projects should be implemented in Stockholm County.

Programme category:
The call falls under category A1, which aims to promote an inclusive and sustainable working life for all. This category supports:

  • Actions encouraging lifelong learning;
  • Measures supporting occupational and geographical mobility of the workforce;
  • Initiatives promoting the acquisition or enhancement of skills, such as entrepreneurship and digital skills;
  • Measures that exploit the potential of digitalisation to improve equality, efficiency, quality and accessibility.

The objective is to directly support individuals, but also organisational and structural development is included in this strand.

See the full call for proposals