Malta Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (LISP)

Bratislava, 21 February 2024 – The Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation of the Slovak Republic issued a demand-oriented call: “Cyber and information security support at regional level – public administration” for an amount of EUR 10 million from the Slovakia 2021-2027 programme from measure 1.2.1. Support for computerisation and digital transformation.

The call ‘Support to cybersecurity and information security at regional level – public administration’ aims to support projects by public administrations to ensure compliance with legislative requirements in the area of cybersecurity and information security through a non-repayable financial contribution.

Support will primarily be provided for those areas of cybersecurity and information security where qualified entities identify the highest level of risk and highest impacts, or where they have the highest level of non-compliance with legislative requirements, resulting from the cybersecurity audit or self-assessment carried out, risk analysis carried out, internal audits carried out and other independent security assessments, or self-assessment reports, as appropriate. These include, for example, the areas of risk management and cybersecurity organisation, security in the operation of information systems and networks, network and communication security, or the handling of cybersecurity incidents.

In this call, eligible applicants are public administration entities which are also entities included in the register of operators of essential services in the ‘Public Administration’ sector pursuant to Act No 69/2018 on cybersecurity and amending certain acts.

At the same time, under the Slovak Programme, the Ministry of Investment, Regional Development and Informatisation of the Slovak Republic continues to prepare calls of a similar nature for public and state higher education institutions and bodies in the health sector.

For more information about the call, please consult the TU.