Malta Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (LISP)

Pathfinder Scholarships Grant

Supporting Artificial Intelligence and/or Digital Trust and/or Knowledge and Data Representation and Analysis and/or Technology for Sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and/ or Quantum Computing and Other Emerging Technologies in Postgraduate Education and PhD Level.
Applications 2024 are Open

Deadline for the MDIA Pathfinder Scholarship Call 2024 is on:
Friday 26th July 2024 by not later than 13:00 (CET).

The Pathfinder MDIA Digital Scholarship is intended to support postgraduate education in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and/or Digital Trust and/or Knowledge and Data Representation and Analysis and/or Technology for Sustainability and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) and/ or Quantum Computing and Other Emerging Technologies to ensure that the Maltese labour market is supplied with individuals having the necessary skills and to guarantee that it is in a better position to compete at an international level.

Bridging The Skills Gap To Boost The Economy
In addition to promoting academic success, the Pathfinder MDIA Digital Scholarship program also emphasizes the significance of contributing effectively to the economy.

Recognizing the growing importance of AI and information security in various industries, the program strives to produce highly skilled professionals who can meet the demands of the Maltese labor market.

By equipping individuals with the right knowledge and expertise, the program aims to bridge the skill gap and ensure that the labor market is supplied with competent individuals who can contribute to the growth and competitiveness of the country, thus playing a crucial role in shaping Malta’s position in the digital era.