Malta Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (LISP)

Background to the project

The project, led by Linköpings Science Park in cooperation with RISE and the region Östergötland, aimed at further developing the existing IoT hub and accelerating the use of IoT solutions. The aim was to contribute to the economic, ecological and social sustainable development of Östergötland. The project period has stretched from 2021-06-01 and ended in 2023/03/31.

The vision of the project was to create important synergies and knowledge transfer between members and to increase the uptake of IoT solutions. The project is in line with the Östergötland Smart Specialisation Strategy, which covers both “Effective logistics” and “Smart, secure and robust connected products and systems”. In addition, the project partly linked the regional priorities of LIFE Science, Wellbeing and eHealth and tomorrow’s energy solutions.

By bringing together actors from different sectors and areas, the project could create synergies that foster innovation and growth. This has contributed to the continued development of Östergötland as a leading region within the IoT, thus contributing to sustainable social development.

Objectives of the project

The overall objective of the IoT World is to accelerate the uptake of IoT solutions to contribute to economic, ecological and social sustainable societal development. In achieving this objective, the project contributes in the long term to the following impacts:

  • Accelerated and broadened use of IoT solutions, increasing efficiency and sustainability across sectors.
  • More and growing regional companies in IOT, making them competitive both nationally and internationally.
  • Accelerating the transition to a fossil-free and more equal society, by promoting green and inclusive technology solutions.
  • Sustainable digitalisation of the public sector and private companies in Östergötland, contributing to a more efficient and resource-efficient management of public services and business activities.
  • Increasing regional attractiveness, by creating a dynamic and innovative environment that attracts talent, investment and collaboration;
  • Contributes to strengthening Östergötland’s smart specialisation and regional development strategies by supporting areas with high growth potential and innovation.

By working towards these goals, IoT World aims to create a more sustainable and competitive future for the region and for Sweden as a whole.


When IoT World was established in a previous project to build an IoT hub, there were no working groups. In the context of the transition to new funding for the IoT World, the aim was to provide a forum for those members who wanted to get extra involved in various working groups. This is why work has been done on an agil model based on the Special Interest Group (SIG).

IoT World has organised its work in four areas:

  1. Showroom: Events, lectures, workshops, SIG meetings, fairs and meetings are organised to showcase and discuss IoT solutions, technologies and ideas. These activities help to increase interaction, knowledge and engagement among members and stakeholders.
  2. Processes: IoT World organises workshops and processes to capture project ideas and match needs and skills. Bringing together different actors and their expertise can create new collaborations and innovations in IOT.
  3. IoT labb: IoT World offers an open laboratory where members and partners can test and experiment with IoT solutions. The lab serves as a test environment for sharing equipment and resources to develop and improve IoT products and services.
  4. Promotion and communication: IoT World is actively promoting and communicating its work and results, both internally and externally. The visibility of the IoT World and its activities can attract new members, partners and stakeholders, as well as raise awareness of the IoT and its opportunities.

By combining these four areas, the IoT World is creating a dynamic and engaging platform where members and stakeholders can work together, share knowledge and develop innovative IoT solutions for sustainable societal development.


During the project period, IoT World organised 39 events, either on its own or in cooperation with other stakeholders. Special Interest Group hits, workshops, networking sessions and Open Lab Days have been organised. These events have contributed to increased interaction between the parties, learning and collaboration that could lead to future business opportunities. Many members have been active at the events, for example by presenting their ideas, generating new ideas or disseminating knowledge of ongoing projects.

Some of the positive effects observed from these implemented activities include:

  • New collaborations and ideas
  • Better understanding of needs owners’ challenges, business services and solutions, and IoT technologies
  • Improved interaction with the Academy
  • Increased capacity to contribute to the green transition

By organising these events, IoT World has created a platform for the exchange of knowledge and experience, which in turn helps to foster innovation and cooperation in the IoT field.

Lessons learned

In order to gain a better understanding of the needs and wishes of IoT World members, an internal evaluation was carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth. The evaluation aimed to identify the expectations of the members of the cluster and to identify how they can meet in order to create a more efficient and fruitful collaborative environment.

Different members received different questions depending on the type of organisation they are:

  • Public services
  • Research Institute/Academy
  • Companies

Summary of members’ wishes:

Members of IoT World have expressed their wishes and expectations for the continued work of the cluster. Here is a summary of what members want to see in the future:

  1. Continued networking and interoperability: Members value the opportunities to network and cooperate with other IOT stakeholders and want these opportunities to continue to exist.
  2. More joint projects: Members would like to see more joint projects initiated and implemented within the IoT World. These projects can contribute to increased innovation, dissemination of knowledge and interaction between members.
  3. Business intelligence and skills development: Members want to have access to business intelligence and exchange of information on current events and trends within the IoT. This can be done through events and workshops, where members can work together to disseminate skills and increase learning.
  4. Increased engagement: IoT World wants to respond to the wishes of its members and increase engagement in the cluster. Many members also want to increase their engagement within the IoT World – 24 want to increase their engagement, while 31 want to maintain their current engagement.

By listening to the wishes of members and working to meet these needs, the IoT World can continue to develop as a strong and dynamic platform for innovation and cooperation within the IoT. This in turn contributes to sustainable societal development and strengthens the cluster’s position as a leading player in the field.


Why is this a good example?

This project is a good example because it:

  1. Promoting cooperation and networking: Bringing together businesses, public sectors, academic institutions and development environments provides a platform for collaboration, knowledge sharing and co-innovation in the IoT domain.
  2. Accelerates the use of IoT solutions: The project aims to increase the use of IoT technologies to promote economic, ecological and social sustainability, leading to a faster transition to a fossil-free and more equal society.
  3. Supports regional development and attractiveness: By contributing to the smart specialisation and regional development strategies of the Östergötland Region, the project increases the region’s attractiveness and competitiveness at national and international level.
  4. Stimulating innovation and skills development: The project offers members opportunities to participate in workshops, networking sessions and practical experiences in the IoT Lab, thereby increasing their skills in IoT technologies.
  5. Raising awareness of IoT solutions: By organising events and presentations of IoT products and services, the project raises awareness of the opportunities offered by IoT for sustainable societal development.
  6. Creates new business opportunities and collaborations: By bringing together different actors and offering networking and cooperation opportunities, the project increases the chances of new business opportunities and cooperation between its members.