Target audience
Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.Digital skill level
IntermediateDigital technology / specialisation
SoftwareGeographic Scope - Country
SwedenIndustry - Field of Education and Training
Generic programmes and qualifications not further definedTarget language
SwedishType of initiative
International initiative
Target group
Persons who have completed primary educationOrganization
APDC PortugalImage
Publish in core platform
Link Type
Training url
Event setting
Methodology (Long text)
Conditions for participation in the training include:
Knowledge of Power BI: Participants should have an understanding of Power BI, a business analysis tool service used to visualise data and share insights across the organisation. This may mean creating reports, dashboards, and understanding how to connect to different data sources.
Understanding of governance practices in a BI environment: This refers to knowledge of how to manage and manage data and information flows within a business analysis or business intelligent environment. It may include methods of security, sharing, quality control and cooperation processes.This pre-knowledge will help participants to make the most of the training, as they provide the basis for the more advanced concepts and techniques that will be presented.
The course focuses on the following main areas:Power BI administration at entity level: This includes everything from governance and implementation to cooperation, sharing and automation within Power BI.
Design and Implementation of Analytical Solutions with Microsoft Azure: You will explore how Microsoft’s Azure cloud service can be used to create and manage advanced analytics solutions.
Preparation of Exam DP-500: The training pathway is specifically designed to help you pass this degree, which certifies your competence in the field.
Practical preconditions: Having prior knowledge of power BI and governance practices in a BI environment will be valuable to fully absorb the content of this course.The aim of this training pathway is not only to pass on knowledge, but also to prepare for an excellent certification that can strengthen your position on the labour market. Through a combination of theory and practical application, you will be able to master the skills needed to implement and manage an efficient and safe analytical environment using Power BI and Azure.
Skills resource type
Self-Assessment Tool
L-implimentazzjoni u l-ġestjoni ta’ ambjent analitiku permezz ta’ Power BI huwa pass kritiku għall-kumpaniji li jridu jużaw id-dejta b’mod effiċjenti. Din il-mogħdija ta’ taħriġ speċifika, li tiffoka fuq it-tħejjija tal-parteċipanti għall-Eżami DP-500, tagħtik il-ħiliet meħtieġa biex taħdem kemm mal-Power BI kif ukoll mal-Microsoft Azure f’soluzzjoni Enterprise-Scale Analytics.
- Fih 8 moduli separati.
- Tul: 3 sigħat u 4 minuti
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- Il-kors jingħata f’diversi lingwi
- Magħmul bil-pass tiegħu onlajn