Target audience
Digital skills for allDigital skill level
Basic Intermediate AdvancedDigital technology / specialisation
SoftwareGeographic Scope - Country
Non-EU European UnionIndustry - Field of Education and Training
Generic programmes and qualifications not further defined Basic programmes and qualificationsTarget language
EnglishType of initiative
EU institutional initiative
Target group
Persons who have completed primary educationTypology of training opportunities
Learning activity
lab / simulation / practice coursework
Assessment type
OnlineTraining duration
Up to 1 week
MicrosoftIs the certificate/credential free
Is this course free
Type of training record
Single offer
Training Start date
Part time light
Credential offered
Learning activity
Self-paced course
Publish in core platform
Link Type
Organization url
Merħba għall-korsijiet ta’ Microsoft Learn, esperjenza ta’ tagħlim li tgħin biex tibni ħiliet li jiftħu l-bibien. Microsoft Learn hija pjattaforma onlajn komprensiva mfassla biex tgħin lill-individwi jitgħallmu u jiżviluppaw ħiliet relatati mal-prodotti u t-teknoloġiji Microsoft.
Lista ta’ Korsijiet Bażiċi:
Tikkollabora ma’ Timijiet ta’ Microsoft
Ibda bl-Office 365 u l-Windows
Taħriġ Microsoft Excel
Taħriġ ta’ Microsoft Forms
Taħriġ ta’ Microsoft OneDrive
Taħriġ ta’ Microsoft OneNote
Taħriġ tal-Microsoft Outlook
Taħriġ tal-Microsoft Planner
Taħriġ Microsoft PowerPoint
Taħriġ tal-Proġett Microsoft
Taħriġ ta’ Microsoft SharePoint
Taħriġ ta’ Microsoft Teams
Taħriġ ta’ Microsoft Visio
Taħriġ Microsoft Word