Malta Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (LISP)

The State Foundation for Employment Training (FUNDAE), is the collaborating entity and technical support of the State Public Employment Service, SEPE, in the field of vocational training for employment. It also has support functions for the Ministry of Labor in the strategic development of this training system.

Fundae belongs to the state public sector, although its nature is private, and is attached to the oversight of the Ministry of Culture. It is composed of the General State Administration, the Autonomous Communities, and the most representative employer and trade union organizations at the national level (CEOE, CEPYME, UGT, CCOO, and CIG).

Our functions are outlined in Article 36 of Royal Decree 694/2017, which develops Law 30/2015 regulating the Vocational Training System for Employment in the labor market. In addition to collaborating and providing technical assistance to SEPE in the planning, programming, management, evaluation, and monitoring and control of training initiatives, and supporting the Ministry of Labor, Fundae also promotes research and development in employment training, disseminates system initiatives among employers and workers, and collaborates in international programs.

Fundae is the national partner in Spain of the ReferNet network of the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, CEDEFOP, and is a founding member of the Inter-American Centre for Knowledge Development in Vocational Training, ILO/Cinterfor.