Malta Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (LISP)

Luxemborg Ministry for Digitalisation

The Ministry for Digitalisation’s remit and missions are defined by the Grand-Ducal Decree establishing the ministries.

As advocated by international bodies, the Ministry for Digitalisation has set itself the goal of successfully achieving digital government. To achieve this goal, it has set out several high-priority strategic axes:

  • developing eGovernment;
  • advancing administrative reform;
  • promoting digital inclusion;
  • integrating new technologies.

The Ministry for Digitisation has set itself the goal of successfully achieving digital government. According to the OECD, digital government stands out for its more efficient, user-friendly, integrative and inclusive approach by prioritizing the following criteria:

  • digital conception of procedures;
  • an administration focused on end-users, i.e. citizens (with or without specific needs) or companies;
  • a government that supports co-creation and active public participation between government, companies and civil society;
  • a government that is “open by default” – a nod to open data services – a principle that reinforces and is intertwined with the principle of transparency and a data-based public sector;
  • proactive administrations.

The Ministry’s strategic axes are in line with this approach.