Malta Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (LISP)

Digital Skills Bootcamp 2021

One of the Foundation’s mandates is the increasing of basic and advanced digital skills in Malta.

The Foundation recognises that there is a need to broaden the range of coding or coding-related digital skills in Malta and increase the accessibility to such skills; increase the pool of persons with higher basic or advanced digital skills; develop a larger pool of persons that are better equipped for their future education or employment or to increase their quality of digital life through the use of coding, coding-related or basic or advanced digital skills and also educate and raise awareness on the importance of coding and digital skills for the use in their careers.

As per previous years, eSkills Malta Foundation contracted Training Providers to provide coding or coding-related or basic or advanced digital skills education sessions to one or more target audience.

This is the list of Digital Skills Bootcamps for 2021. Click Read More for information.

Digital Accessibility for Everybody

Fundación TAC
Digital Accessibility for Everybody
Target/Theme: Familiarise teachers in using digital tools to be able to teach partly or completely online. Also, familiarise all staff of educational centres and public employees in using digital tools to be able to create and publish accessible digital content

Careers in the Esports Industry

B&P Emerging Technologies Consultancy Lab Ltd ​
Careers in the Esports Industry​
Target/Theme: Youth/Adults/Sports

IT Tools & Tricks 2021

​Annalise Duca
IT Tools & Tricks 2021
Target/Theme: Familiarise Citizens (Adults of any age) with using the internet.

Mobile Apps Design

​Dr Conrad Attard
Mobile Apps Design
Target/Theme: Youth

Practical ICT Skills

Domain Academy
Practical ICT Skills​
Target/Theme: Adults not in training or employment

Business Digital Enablement for Business Owners

Ernst & Young Limited 
Business digital enablement for business owners
Target/Theme: Executives or business leaders​

An Introduction to Blockchain and Smart Contract Programming for all

Gordon Pace
An introduction to Blockchain and Smart Contract Programming for all 2.0
Target/Theme: Youth / Emerging Technologies

Remote teaching and learning

Headstart​​ Technologies
Remote teaching and learning, including the gamification elements and Minecraft Target/Theme: Teachers

Javascript Web Development

Artificial Intelligence in Games using UNITY

HumAin Ltd
Artificial Intelligence in Games using UNITY & Introduction to Java Script for Web Development​
Target/Theme: Employees / Trainee Adults

Programming Basics with Python

Ice Malta
Programming Basics with Python​
Target/Theme: Youths

Blockchain, DLT, Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts

Joshua Ellul
Blockchain, DLT, Cryptocurrencies and Smart Contracts
Target/Theme: Youth / Emerging Technologies​

Coding Superstars

KSD Solutions Ltd
Coding Superstars​
Target/Theme: Children

Machine Learning using Python

Mario Mallia Milanes
Machine Learning using Python​
Target/Theme: Youths / Adults / Emerging Technologies

A Primer on Induustry 4.0

Macdac Engineering Consultancy Bureau 
A Primer on ‘Industry 4.0’ for Business Leaders & Managers
Target/Theme: Business Leaders & Managers​ / Emerging Technologies

Modern Software Development using Microservices

Pragmatest & Co
Modern Software Development using Microservices​
Target/Theme: Adults / Coders / Developers​

Explore Coding!

ICT Tools in Curriculum

Energy Investment Ltd (Robocoach)​
Explore Coding, ICT Tools in Curriculum​
Target/Theme: Children / Teachers / Coding


Target/Theme: Adults / Internet

Computer Applications in Science amd Engineering

Developing Games with Unity

Saint Martin’s Institute of Higher Education 
Computer Applications in Science and Engineering, GDC Bootcamp – Developing Games
with Unity​.
Target/Theme: Youths / Coding

Being Safe Online

Be Safe Online​
Target/Theme: Adults

Coding for Teachers

Data Science Malta
Coding for Teachers
Target/Theme: Teachers​