Malta Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (LISP)

Emerging technologies for Digital transformation

Emerging Technologies for the Digital Transformation

Target Group / Theme

Labour force (Employees, executives or leaders of SMEs and enterprises) 18 years and Over

Course dates
6 sessions of one hour each

Dates; 12th October, 19th October, 26th October, 2nd November, 9th November and 16th November

Course Content
The course will introduce SME employees from the various industries to the concept of Digital Transformation, and consequently the successful adoption of Emerging Technologies to create new, or modify existing business processes, culture, and customer experiences. The course, which is aimed at increasing the awareness about and knowledge on the adoption of Emerging Technologies at the workplace, will introduce participants to the concepts of Mixed Reality(hence Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Augmented Virtuality), Metaverse, Blockchain Technologies and Artificial Intelligence, in order to augment the participants’ efficiency, value and innovation to meet the changing business and market requirements. As part of the course, participants will actively engage in a number of masterclass sessions, involving guest interventions by leading business technology experts, from both local and foreign institutions; such as the Malta Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise and Industry, the Copenhagen Business Academy(Denmark) and Donau University Krems (Austria).

Learning Platform to be used Microsoft Teams

Delivery Method