Malta Digital Skills and Jobs Platform (LISP)

Digital Skills Bootcamps and Events 2024

eSkills Malta Foundation has been entrusted with a number of mandates relating to skilling, upskilling and reskilling mandates. The Foundation has the overall objective to increase digital skills. In line with this objective, the Foundation is offering training courses/sessions/events for specific closed groups or open to the public.

The Foundation recognises that there is a need to broaden the range of coding or coding-related digital skills in Malta and increase the accessibility to such skills. There is a need to increase persons with higher basic or advanced digital skills and to develop a larger pool of persons that are better equipped for their future education or employment.
As per previous years, eSkills Malta Foundation contracted Training Providers to provide coding or coding-related or basic or advanced digital skills education sessions to one or more target audience.


This is the list of Digital Skills Bootcamps and Events 2024 Society

Empowering Citizens with Emerging Technology: A Focus on AI

Digital Skills: Youths & Adults

Cyber Savvy Navigating the Digital World Safely


This is the list of Digital Skills Bootcamps and Events 2024 Females

AppVisionaries Empowering Girls in Mobile App Development

Women Transforming STEAM

Digital Skills for Hospitality Success

Programming Basics with Python

Empowering Vulnerable Females through Technology

Teachers Educators and Trainers

This is the list of Digital Skills Bootcamps and Events 2024. Teachers, Educators and Trainers

Education and Beyond: Integrating AI into your teaching practice.

Artificial ntelligence for Teaching

ChatGPT: Zero To Hero for Educators

Artificial Intelligence for Teaching & Learning

Artificial Intelligence for Assessment

Foundations of Coding and Computational Thinking for Educators

Gamify your classroom

Create beautiful educational material like a pro designer with Canva

SMEs ICT organisations

This is the list of Digital Skills Bootcamps and Events 2024. SMEs & ICT Organisations

Digital Skills for the Artificial Intelligence Revolution DS4AIR

Emerging Technologies for the Digital Transformation

ChatGPT: Zero To Heroes for Employees

Programming Basics with Python

Business Intelligence Fundamentals for SME Employees

Social Media Marketing Course to Boost your Small Business with AI

Digitalise your Small Business